Properties for sale Sold Properties Peggy Lampmans' House email:  Peggy Lampman Area Map links to other pages

CIRCA 1840 CLASSIC HUDSON GREEK REVIVAL… Grand brick home with elegant spaces, high ceilings and original details, built about 1842 by Nathan Chamberlain, a prominent Hudson attorney. Shown at top in an early photo, and again today, the back of the house has two-story loggias overlooking the large garden. Located on Hudson's finest quiet residential block, walk to everything the thriving city has to offer.

links to other pages Peggy Lampman, Home Page email:  Peggy Lampman Properties for Sale Sold Properties Home of Peggy Lampman Area Map

602 Route 23B,    PO Box 360,   Claverack,   New York  12513     •     518-851-2277